Friday 26 October 2012

Shameless eBay post!

Sorry for this but I'm spamming my blog with my ebay link as I'm having a huge clearout! Everything starts at £3 or less and most of it is vintage! Visit my page here!

Saturday 20 October 2012


Just a few more new goodies I've made this week and added to my page :)

I take orders mainly through facebook now because alot of my stock is now being sold in a shop in Huddersfield called Crafty Praxis so if you're local, go check them out! Nothing I sell is over £5.00 and I charge £1.00 for shipping on most items. :)

 £2.50 each.
 Genuine turquoise - £3.00 each.

I really wish I had a good camera so I could capture my pieces better!!

Sunday 14 October 2012

3rd year, first project

Just a few pics on what I've been working on lately. Its the first project of my 3rd (and final) year at Huddersfield University.
(I do Textile Crafts, not sure I've ever mentioned it!)

Project title: Senses.

 Modrock, wax and knitted swatches.
 Knitting with elastic bands.
Wax and ink drawing.

Friday 12 October 2012


Say hello to the newest members of my family!

This is Pip and Dizzy (Dizzys hiding!) and they're my little Dumbo Ratties!

Most people shudder when I tell them I have rats but they really are such loving animals and now they're getting older they each have their own little funny personality! I find it really hard living without a pet as I've had dogs all my life and rats for a few years when I was younger and it was love at first sight when I saw these two as babies!! Ahh they make me smile :)

Friday 21 September 2012

3rd year..

So, monday is my first official day of my 3rd and final year at uni! Still not quite sure how I feel about it, I'm terrified for the work load but I'm excited to see how my work develops in time for my final exhibition. I'm going to try and keep up with blogging throughout the year, posting some of my work etc as I think it'll be a good way to reflect and look back on my progress.

I'm proud of myself for coming to uni, its not been easy (far from it!) but I know that at the end it'll be so worth it and I can look back and be pleased with what I achieved. I'm mostly looking forward to leaving and finding myself a job, I'm sort of fed up with the whole student life now, you knoww, living in a crappy house that falls apart, knowing you have to move in a year and other general student 'stereotypes', I'm just not that sort of person I guess and (I never thought I'd say this but) I'm actually looking forward to growing up! Having my own life away from education etc. it's scary but exciting to think about!!

I sound like a right misery don't I! How does everyone else feel about their uni lives?

Monday 27 August 2012

Its been a while!

Wowee I need to get more in the swing of writing posts! 

Thought I'd add a few more pictures of my jewellery :) You can find me on facebook at RosieMakesThings or on my Folksy :)

Wednesday 13 June 2012

What a good day!

Hurray! I finally have a folksy shop set up :) Now you can purchase my creations with ease by following this link: RosieMakesThings

I've recieved some lovely compliments lately and sold quite a few things this week so I'm feeling really positive about my shop at the moment. It's giving me confidence and putting my faith into the fact that I can do what I've always dreamed and someday own my own shop :)

I also made a new logo earlier this week, what do you think? Its simple but sweet!